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We Were Glad To Help Out Toby’S House
Toby’s House is named in honor of October “Toby” Perez. She was two years old when her mother’s boyfriend killed her in 2011.1 The nursery offers temporary care to children whose family is in crisis, and parents can drop off their children during appointments and other needs. It assures safe child care when there is nowhere to turn.
“‘We need to support one another. We need to put families first and children first because after we’re gone, guess whose left? Those children. So, our community may not see the effects of Toby’s House in my lifetime, but I’m hoping that after I leave or after I pass on that the generations below us will be stronger because parents asked for help, they reached out for help,’ said Susie Zeak, executive director of Toby’s House Crisis Nursery.” 2
Toby’s House contacted Montana Shed Center with a need for a storage shed and MSC was more than happy to help. Being helpful to the communities we serve is vital to who we are. We had a nice shed ready to donate but found that it was too large for the spot it was supposed to be in. So we built a shed that would suit the nursey’s needs. We are grateful for the opportunity to help support the needs of children in our community.
1Toby’sHouse Crisis Nursery marks one year of helping children and families (